



宽广的博士. (2020年6月1日) – The Prince George’s 社区 College Board of Trustees announced today the selection of Dr. Falecia D. Williams as the College’s ninth president. 她将接替博士。. 查米. Dukes, who has enjoyed a stellar 25-year tenure including 13 years as president.

Mr. 西德尼·吉布森, chair of the Board of Trustees said, “We had a highly competitive pool of candidates which resulted in the three outstanding finalists. However, when evaluated against PGCC’s highest strategic priorities, Dr. Williams consistently excelled. 给n our spectacular record of local, 状态, and national achievement and our ambitious vision for PGCC, 与博士相比. Williams’ demonstrated competencies, 字符, 和勇气, she quickly emerged as the obvious choice. Her professional experiences amplify her commitment to access, 教学卓越, 学习, 学生的成功, 公平的结果, 战略合作伙伴关系, 社区参与.”

Dr. Williams comes from the 68,000 student, Valencia College in 奥兰多, 佛罗里达州., where she has served as president of the Downtown and West campuses that serve more than 30,000名学生. Dr. Williams was responsible for providing academic, 行政, and fiscal 领导人hip to support the vision, 任务, and values of Valencia College. She led a team of 17 administrators including 15 deans and oversaw 13 academic divisions, the library and 学习 support services, two student service divisions, and two faculty senate presidents. She also managed a $41 million budget. Dr. Williams has been associated with Valencia College for over 22 years, advancing progressively in responsibilities including: Part-time professor, 学生的成功 & 服务学习; Postsecondary, team lead; director, Dual Enrollment; director, Transition Program; dean for Workforce Development; assistant vice president for Workforce Development; interim provost for West Campus, then president; and president Downtown Campus. Prior to Valencia College, Dr. Williams served for 10 years as a K-12 educator and coordinator.

A noted expert in 通路, PGCC’s highest strategic student success priority, as a campus president at Valencia College, Dr. Williams implemented a comprehensive $1.5 million Title III 通路 project to revamp student services, upgrade educational planning tools, pilot early alert protocols, and increase faculty engagement in coaching students for success. 她还在西校区开设了一个教学/学习创新中心,作为教职员工探索新技术和建立学习创新社区的地方. Her other noteworthy accomplishments include: the disruptive design, 发展, and launch of a new educational ecosystem model for a joint campus in partnership with the University of Central Florida; the 发展 of baccalaureate degrees; accreditation for the B.S. 护理与B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology and renewed programmatic accreditation with commendations for 11 health-related programs; opening a summer bridge program that resulted in 97 percent course success rate and 87 percent retention rate compared to 80 percent course success rate and 76 percent retention when students engaged in tradition enrollment; enrollment growth; empowering faculty ownership and 领导人hip of Valencia’s 学习 学生的成功 agenda; and garnering more than $30 million over five years to support promising practice, intellectual experimentation, 能力建设, 以及教师发展.

Dr. 法利西亚·威廉姆斯说, “能被选为皇冠体育的第九任校长,我深感荣幸和激动. 60多年了, 皇冠体育因其对学生成功的坚定承诺而受到当地和全国的认可, 社区的影响, 经济可行性, and I am eager to immerse myself in this stellar community of learners, 学者, 领导人, 和合作伙伴. 我真诚地致力于与所有内部和外部的关键利益相关者合作,继续推进PGCC的卓越成就和创新记录.”

Dr. Williams is active in numerous professional, 业务, 公民的努力, and board service including: Visit 奥兰多; Central Florida Regional Housing Trust; Coalition for the 首页less; Lifework 领导 奥兰多; Parramore Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Development Team; Florida High Tech Corridor Workforce Development Team; Florida Department of Education Next Generation Curriculum Standards Committee and Subcommittee for Postsecondary Transition; the American Council on Education Postsecondary Transition Committee; and the Florida Association of 社区 Colleges.

Dr. Williams’ honors and awards are extensive and include: 奥兰多 Business Journal Top Five Leaders for Economic Development; 奥兰多 Magazine, Top 15 People to Watch; 奥兰多 Magazine, 50 Most Powerful; Central Florida YMCA Achievers Education Advocate of the Year; 领导 Award, American Association of Women in 社区 Colleges; and Teacher of the Year, 尤斯蒂斯中学.

A noted expert in student success, Dr. Williams has presented extensively, including: “Equity-minded Teaching and Learning Models,” Aspen Presidential Fellowship; “Big Ideas Around Learning and Success for Equitable Outcomes,” Cuyahoga 社区 College; “Education as the Catalyst for 社区 Transformation,” Institutional Committee of Auxiliary Services Administrators Conference; “Equity Models in the 社区 College,” Achieving the Dream; “Program Learning Outcomes and Workforce Education,” League for Innovation Conference; “Relevant Performance Measures for Workforce Education 项目,” Florida Association for Career and Technical Education Conference; “Competencies for Teaching Distance Education in the 社区 College,” University of Central Florida Graduate Student Showcase; “Creative College Transition 项目: Recruitment and Retention Initiatives that Work,” Learning Conversations Conference; “通路 to 领导,” American Association of Women in 社区 Colleges Workshop Series; and “LifeMap: A Developmental 建议 Model,” PBS Teleconference Live Broadcast.

Dr. Falecia D. 威廉姆斯拥有中佛罗里达大学课程与教学社区学院领导博士学位, 奥兰多, a master’s degree in education, 教与学, 斯泰森大学, 迪兰, 佛罗里达州., and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Rollins College in Winter Park, 佛罗里达州.

她还拥有斯坦福大学设计思维专业人员的专业认证, and from Harvard University’s Institute for Educational Management (IEM). Dr. 威廉姆斯还完成了阿斯彭研究所大学卓越计划的阿斯彭总统奖学金.

皇冠体育寻找新校长的过程始于去年秋天,当时董事会任命了校长遴选委员会,并在全国范围内展开了寻找. 5月11日至15日这一周,前三名候选人参观了皇冠体育拉戈校区, when each participated in meetings with the executive 领导人hip team, constituent and union 领导人, and in a series of virtual meetings with students, 教职员工, and the College’s external community including elected officials. 候选人还以符合当地和州有关COVID-19大流行的命令的方式会见了校长夏琳·杜克斯和学院董事会.

Dr. 威廉姆斯将于2020年8月在秋季学期开始之前担任皇冠体育的职务.

More information about Dr. Falecia D. 威廉姆斯有空 在线.

About Prince George’s 社区 College
被国家安全局和国土安全部指定为国家信息安全学术卓越中心(2015-2020), 皇冠体育(PGCC)为乔治王子县进步和以职业为导向的居民提供高质量的教育和培训. 从刚毕业的高中毕业生和求职者到经验丰富的专业人士和希望提高技能的老年人, PGCC is comprised of students who represent a wide range of ages, 背景, 和目标. 服务近40人,每年000人, the College is the first choice for higher education for residents of Prince George’s County. Collaborative partnerships, responsive degree and training programs, 对学生成功的承诺使PGCC能够满足多样化的教育和劳动力发展需求. For more information, visit the college website at dgzsda.newpagestore.com. 皇冠体育是由中部州高等教育委员会认证的, 市场街3624号, 费城, PA 19104; (267-284-5000); www.msche.org. 美国中部州高等教育委员会是由美国高等教育委员会认可的机构认证机构.S. Secretary of Education and the Council on Higher Education Accreditation.
