This Student Guide outlines the 书院中央网络 clinical experience enrollment process for allied health and nursing students at Prince George’s 社区 College (PGCC). If you have already completed some of the steps, proceed to the next step in sequence as appropriate.


书院中央网络 (CCN) 激活您的学生帐户. 如果你不能激活你的 CCN 学生帐户,创建一个新的学生帐户. 使用您的7位PGCC学生ID号码作为您的用户ID. 创建一个密码,并保存在一个安全的地方,方便访问网站.


一旦你的 CCN student account has been activated or created, complete the registration (account profile) data. 像填写工作申请一样填写注册数据. 注册数据可随时更新. 适当时使用大写. 记住,未来的雇主会看到你的注册数据. 加上你的专业、可用性、特殊技能等.,作为个人资料的一部分,以吸引未来的招聘雇主. 让你的 CCN 学生帐户接收工作公告, 招聘活动通知, and information on special recruitments that match your profile and career interests.


如果你想在没有临床经验的情况下找工作, 准备一份专业的简历 and 安排与学术和职业顾问的约会 对于使用的rsamsums批评 导航. 一定要 把你的薪金薪金草案交上来 导航 当你在安排你的评估约会时. 为企业发展提供指导,听取意见 CCN 播客,回顾一下 CCN 《皇冠体育》中有关于如何写一份有竞争力的简历和求职信的建议. 免费的rsamsum构建工具可在此获得:

提交你的导师批准的简历 in 书院中央网络 for final review and activation by the Office of Career Development and 实习 (CD&1)员工.


一旦你的电脑被CD激活&我是工作人员,你可以利用搜寻工作机会 CCN 搜索引擎(My School’s Jobs、Jobs Central®和Intern Central®). 通过阅读以下内容,为职业生涯做好准备 CCN 采访播客、视频和讲义. 参加CD&I职业研讨会,提供额外的职业见解和策略.


作为一名专职健康/护理专业的学生, 你的健康科学老师会在课堂上给你分配一个临床地点. Once you receive your assignment, be sure to obtain/confirm the following information:

  • 网站的名字.
  • 现场主管的姓名、电子邮件地址和电话号码.
  • 每周临床时数.
  • 临床经验课程编号(e.g., rad - 1530).

如果你没有得到你的现场主管的名字和/或联系信息, 使用课程大纲中导师的姓名和电子邮件地址.


一旦你获得了你的临床任务信息,登录到你的 书院中央网络 (CCN)学生帐户. 转到Dashboard并单击 从实践经验中学习. 向下滚动体验式学习协议列表以找到您的课程. 从列表中选择您的程序并完成相关的 体验式学习协议. 一定要完成整个 体验式学习协议 在提交审查之前,为您的程序.


一旦你的 体验式学习协议 提交, it will be forwarded to your department chair or program director for review and approval. 你会收到来自 书院中央网络 (CCN)通知你是否你的 体验式学习协议 已被批准.


开始你的临床经验, keep track of the hours you were in clinical daily to ensure that you satisfy clock-hour credit requirements. 回顾学院的 平等的机会 and 不歧视政策 (见附录A)和 责任声明、授权、释放和赔偿协议 (见附录B).


除了记录你每周的临床时间, 完成临床实习所需的所有课程, 按照课程大纲的要求.


在你的临床经验结束时, 更新你的履历,把你的临床经验和新技能添加进去. Inquire of your clinical contacts if they would agree to serve as a professional reference; if so, 获取他们的联系方式. 同时,确保完成以下任务:

  • 出于礼貌,向你的专业联系人提供一份最新的简历副本.
  • Keep a list of your professional contacts that you met during your clinical experience to use as references when you apply for future career opportunities.
  • Inform your professional contacts about your employment candidacy prior to submitting their names and contact information to a prospective employer, 这样他们就会意识到并准备好提供所要求的参考资料.

Prince George’s 社区 College is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons to the end that no person, 以性为理由, age, race, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, 祖先, 婚姻状况, 性取向, 或者作为一个有残疾的合格个人的地位, 合格伤残老兵, 或者越战老兵, 不得参与, 被剥夺…的利益, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity of this institution. 根据这项政策, 这个机构不会因性别而歧视任何人, race, age, color, 宗教, 资深的地位, 残疾, 祖先, 婚姻状况, 性取向, or 国家的起源 in its admission policies and practices or any other policies or practices of the institution relating to the treatment of students and other individuals, 包括就业, 提供服务, 金融援助, 还有其他好处, 包括使用任何建筑, 结构, 房间的空间, 材料, 设备, 设施, 或者其他属性.

An individual who believes they or any other individual or group of individuals have been subject to prohibited discrimination may, 他们自己或通过代表, 向学院负责公平事务的副校长提出书面投诉, 文化与人才, 香奈儿·惠特克(肯特·霍尔, 132房间, 301-546-0050,

Shaundricka Ranel, 学院的高级主任, 合规, 政策和第九条(肯特厅), 133房间, 301-546-7011,, coordinates the College’s efforts to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, 哪一条禁止基于性别的歧视.

萨布丽娜·托马斯(附件B, 19室) 301-546-5211,担任学院的ADA协调员, and is responsible for coordinating the College’s overall efforts to comply with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, 哪些禁止基于残疾的歧视. 她负责处理来自学院员工的ADA住宿请求.

托马斯·梅斯(兰哈姆厅101G室) 301-546-7594,, 学院残疾和支持服务主任, is responsible for processing accommodation requests from College students in accordance with the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 哪些是专上教育环境中针对残疾学生的.

基思·默文(附件B, 9室) 301-546-0606处理有关设施无障碍问题的报告.

Inquiries regarding compliance with these laws may also be directed to the Office of Civil Rights for the United States Department of Education.

根据美国残疾人法案的规定, this material is available in alternative formats by contacting either of the employees listed above who process ADA accommodation requests.

责任声明、授权、释放和赔偿协议 (Appendix B)

报名参加临床课程, 您确认以下声明并承担相关责任:

As a/an Allied Health/Nursing student at the Prince George's 社区 College ("PGCC" or the "College"), 我必须参加临床教育课程。. I agree to all the terms and conditions in this document (and those incorporated within this document), 没有这个协议,学院是不会允许参加的.

  1. 行为协议. I acknowledge that I have read and hereby agree to abide by all the rules of conduct as stated in the PGCC学生手册 以及相应项目的学生手册. The College's program faculty have the full authority to act on behalf of the College in enforcing rules and behavior suitable to making the educational experience worthwhile for all concerned. 我知道, since I will be identified with the College and that my behavior reflects back upon the College, 我的行为必须负责任. I acknowledge that any disciplinary action taken against me may include termination of my participation in the clinical(s), 除本条例规定的任何其他行动外 学生手册.
  2. 自由行. I agree that if I engage in travel, I will assume full responsibility for my own safety.
  3. 变化. I acknowledge that the College reserves the right to make changes to the clinical(s) at any time and for any reason, 无论有没有通知, and that the College shall not be liable for any loss whatsoever to participants by reason of such cancellation or change. 我将负责由此变化产生的任何额外费用.
  4. 保险.
    1. Health and Accident - I affirm that I am and will be adequately covered throughout the clinical(s) by a comprehensive health insurance policy, 为受伤和患病提供保险.
    2. Liability - I understand that the College provides professional liability insurance while I am enrolled and participating in a clinical education course as a PGCC student.
  5. 额外的支出. 本人所产生的任何不寻常的费用或义务, 或由学院或其代理人代表我办理, 全部由我支付吗.
  6. 豁免及赔偿. 仔细阅读——你正在放弃重要的权利. I, 单独, 代表我的继承人, 分配, 个人代表, 特此释放,永远释放, 并同意赔偿并保证不受伤害, 学院及其员工, 代理, 军官, and trustees (单独 and in their official capacities) from and against any and all liability whatsoever for any and all 损害赔偿, 损失, 或伤害(包括死亡),包括但不限于, 任何索赔, 要求, 判断, 损害赔偿, 费用, 费用(包括律师费), which arise as a result of or connected in any manner to my participation in the clinical experience. I further acknowledge that the College will not be responsible or accept liability for the actions of third parties, 例如雇主及保证人, 航空公司, 酒店, 或者普通承运人, 给我带来损失, 损害, 或受伤, 或者超出其合理控制范围的情况, 比如恶劣的天气, 天灾, 或事故.
  7. 其他确认. 报名参加临床课程, 我在此确认我已经阅读了这份完整的文件, 我理解它的条款, 我将遵守每一个条款和条件,通过注册, 我放弃了我原本可能享有的实质性法律权利, 我是在知情的情况下报名参加我的联合健康/护理项目的.

*父母 of a minor student enrolling in clinical(s) accept these terms on the minor student's behalf upon the student's enrollment in the course.